The Introduction


Welcome to the first FarFromCOY! blog post about my creative portraits. Here, I will tell you about my creative process and the meaning behind each of the photos I’ve created. Some have a simple expression while others have a far deeper meaning. But before we get into all of that, let’s start from the beginning. I am going to share with you how a spark of interest became a way for me to express myself and share my art.

            In the beginning, I don’t think my friends and family knew I wanted to be a videographer and an editor. My boy Josh hooked me up with Final Cut Pro X for the free because I just finished film school and I was broke as shit, can’t even front. Since it was technically borrowed, one day it stopped exporting my videos. I looked into other programs and that’s when I found out about Adobe Premiere. They had a subscription program that gave you access to all their programs for a $30 monthly student discount. My girlfriend at the time was in grad school and let me use her information to gain access to Adobe while I made the payments (Thank you again!) And just like that I was back in the game.

            Over the years, I tried to learn a few different programs like After Effects and Photoshop but I was not quite successful at first. I wanted to learn Photoshop but it was kind of intimidating and I couldn’t find any good tutorials online. Around this time I started following this graphic designer name Peejet on social media. This guy’s work was nice! He was famous for photoshopping himself in celebrity photos as if he was originally there. All I could say was, “I’m trying to be that nice!” So my interest in Photoshop grew again but as I did research, I realized there was so much to learn and I didn’t know where to start. The possibilities with Photoshop were crazy because you can do almost anything with a photo. And that’s exactly what I planned to do.

            So remember how I was impressed with Peejet’s work? One day in the city, I ran into him and told him I was a fan of his work. We spoke and learned we had some mutual friends and common interest. I later found out through a Complex article that he was self-taught. No school or formal education with Photoshop. This guy, that was so dope at his craft, was in my shoes not too long ago. It was at that very moment that I decided to keep pushing to perfect my craft because if he can do it then so can I!

            So with that being said, I welcome you to join me on this creative journey. Take a peak inside my head, see the world from my eyes but most of all enjoy the process.

